We make cutting boards in three different types and in two types of wood. Oak and Ash.
Oak and Ash are two of the hardest types of wood we have in Sweden, which are therefore well suited to use for cutting boards. We carefully select the wood that comes from the forests of Småland and southern Östergötland.
Each cutting board gets its own pattern The grain of the wood can control how to produce a unique pattern for each cutting board. Each board is also individually sanded to produce a surface with a good finish.
The cutting boards are glued with special glue that is food safe. We treat the boards with two different wood oils. One that is deep-acting for long-term preservation of the wood. One that gives a nice finish and is water resistant. both oils are made from environmentally friendly natural oils. A new cutting board may have a faint scent of citrus which comes from the oils it is treated with.
A cutting board from Hagagården handicrafts is made to provide long-lasting benefit and joy in your kitchen!
Gift box
Chopping boards and serving platters are available in an elegant gift box. The gift box has a magnetic lock and is supplied with wood wool that gives a cozy impression.